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1. Complete a questionnaire

[1.1] Create your account

Please note, if you already have a test account, you don’t need to follow this step, simply sign-in with your existing credentials.

  1. To create an account on the system, you need an invitation link to join an organization. Here is an example of such a link: ""
    You will need one of these before you can make your account - these should be provided by your employer or association.
  2. Once you have made an account you should be logged into the system. If not, press ‘Login’ at the top right of the screen and enter your newly made account credentials.

[1.2] Complete capability questionnaires

  1. On the navigation bar at the top of the page there is a button labelled ‘Framework’, press it.
  2. Choose the timescale over which you aim to enhance your skills from the following options:
    • Six months: a focused, short-term plan.
    • One year: an extended pathway for growth.
    • Three years: a long-term strategy for comprehensive improvement.
    • Five years: a visionary approach for those committed to significant development.
  3. From the second dropdown select the kind of questionnaire you’d like to complete:
    • Level 1 - Core questionnaire: a quick snapshot of your RCCE-IM capabilities in all 6 subject areas covering 20 principal domains.
    • Level 2 - Subject questionnaire: a more detailed picture of your capabilities in each subject area of RCCE-IM, pick which ones are relevant to you.
    • Level 3 - Full questionnaire: a thorough understanding of your RCCE-IM capabilities, combining the core domain and sub-domain questionnaires.
  4. Press ‘Start Questionnaire’ and answer each question as honestly as you can. Once done, see section 5.

[1.3] View your results

To get todays results overlayed with your target results, navigate to the 'Results' page. On the left you will see there is a set of dropdowns, make sure you've got your latest questionnaire selected by choosing the latest one from the central dropdown. To compare this data against your target results, press the 'Add data' button - this should add another set of dropdowns to the left where you can select another questionnaire for comparison. Make sure you've got the same questionnaire selected for both and, in the second set of dropdowns, select your target score interval from the bottom dropdown. To print the data press the 'Print' button.

[1.4] Resources

Please also look through the limited selection of demo learning resources by pressing ‘Resources’ button at the top.

2. Team management

[2.1] Create your team

  1. From the home screen, click ‘Hello, {your email}’. This will take you to your user management dashboard.
  2. From this menu, select the ‘Team Manager’ button.
  3. Press the ‘Create a New Team’ button.
  4. Enter a team name and submit it.
  5. You should automatically navigate back to the ‘Team Manager’ screen – your new team should be visible now.

[2.2] Add your team members

  1. Underneath the desired team in the ‘Team Manager’ screen press the ‘Add Team Member’ button.
  2. Enter the email address of the user you want to add to the team and press ‘Invite User to Team’.
  3. You should now see a pending invitation for the new user under the team listing – the added user must now accept the invitation before officially being part of the team.

[2.3] Accepting/rejecting a team invitation

  1. If you have received an invitation to join a team, head to your ‘Team Manager’ dashboard – it can be found by clicking ‘Hello, {your email}’ and then ‘Team Manager’.
  2. You should see a notification under the ‘Invitations’ heading from the team in question.
  3. Respond to the invitation with either the ‘Accept’ or ‘Reject’ button.

[2.4] Add a team to an organization

Please note, only team leaders can request that one of their teams join an organization.

  1. To add a team to an organization, you’ll need an invitation link to join the organization. Here is an example of such a link: ""
  2. From the invitation screen, you can then select the team you want to request membership of the organization for from the dropdown on the right side of the screen.

[2.5] Compare your results

Once completed you must navigate to the ‘Results’ page found on the navbar. From here you can select a team member, questionnaire, and select current or target data from their respective dropdowns. This will overlay the radar chart with the selected data set. You can then add more datasets to the graph and compare them against one another. If a team member completes a questionnaire whilst you are on the results page, hit the refresh button at the top right of the browser and the new questionnaire data should be ready for you to view.